Prototype. The final product will have
embossing and the colours will vary.

Wednesday is a Good Day to Start a Blog

I decided to start writing my blog about health and well-being on a Wednesday.

A French girl I worked with at Club Med once told me that Wednesday is the best day of the week for communication. Of course, I wanted to know what I should be doing for the rest of the week. 

Apparently, each day of the week is influenced by a different planet and therefore, has its own unique energy to be used to our benefit. If you know the days of the week in French, this will be obvious.

Monday - Moon /Lune (Lundi) -> Creativity & Intuition

Tuesday - Mars (Mardi) -> Business & Competition

Wednesday - Mercury (Mercredi) -> Communication & Reason

Thursday - Jupiter (Jeudi) -> Generosity & Giving

Friday - Venus (Vendredi) -> Love & Pleasure

Saturday - Saturn (Samedi) -> Realize the consequences of the past week

Sunday - Sun (Dimanche) -> Rest, meditate, find yourself

Cool, eh?

So....on with the reason for my blog. I was encouraged by some friends to do this, but it was a comment from one person (thanks, Jane) that really made me find a reason to begin. She said that blogging is about sharing yourself. I thought about it and I made a list of 10 things about me I feel are shareable. If you find something on this list you can relate to, I assure you, I will write honestly and authentically and always include the good, the bad, and the ugly for you.

1. I'm an entrepreneur. Gurugrid is my second business. My first "baby" was Scoopies - biodegradable bags to pick up dog poop. The second time around was MUCH easier.

2. I'm in a mixed marriage. My husband is a francophone and I'm an anglophone. He makes me a better (and bi-lingual) person. ;)

3. I have 2 boys - Snuggle Bug (5) and Puddley Bear (8). One minute they are loving and adorable, the next, they are aggravating little turds.

4. I've been a temporary host to breast cancer. Thanks to diet, exercise & meditation, it's been very manageable and positive experience. I have a ton of tips about this.

5. I was a personal trainer and nutrition consultant. I have lots to share on this topic. I could not find one photo from this time. :(

6. I am a human buddy to Fundy. We rescued her from the SPCA in Montreal and now, she is the happiest dog in the world!

7. I am Canadian - but you knew this because I said "eh" above. I was born in Sudbury, the most Canadian city in Canada. 

I lived in Toronto for 10 years and worked as an advertising & marketing executive until I learned that I was an entrepreneur - thanks to everyone who fired me. ;)

Now, I live in Morin-Heights, QC. I miss the city sometimes, but there is something special about this place. :) 

8. I am intolerant to dairy, eggs, and wheat. This has forced me to get creative with my menu. It actually came in handy when I was diagnosed with cancer. I was already eating pretty clean. Loooots on this topic.

9. I struggled with an eating disorder for 5 years. I was a binge eater and I would exercise to burn off what I ate. I was shocked to learn that technically, this is bulimia. When my life changed (for the better), this problem vanished. I definitely want to share what I have learned with you. This is something  I would not wish on my worst enemy and if I can help you get out of this terrible spiral, I will. There is no beautiful photo to illustrate this point.

10. I am a running yogini. Yoga and running have gotten me through good and bad times for over 20 and 40+ years, respectively. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, I could not live without them. 

I LOVED writing this for you today! I am looking forward to exchanging lots info and good vibes with you!

Clever sign off to come,

Heather :) xo


  • Heather

    OK, I give up! I cannot figure out how to respond to your comments! But, Lisa, Patty, Louise, Becky, Licia, Marilyn, Noreen, Rachel, Ed, Lori, Bev , Marie, Celia, & Sylvie – Je pense que ton anglais est meilleur que mon francais ;) – thank you so much for your wonderful comments! :) xoxox


    Love this. Known you forever and still learned new things. Tell us more xoxoxo

  • Sylvie

    very nice reading you.
    Sorry for my english but hope you can read me hihi…
    One of your embasatrice Stéphanie (yoga teacher) in Montréal told is about your mattress for yoga. It is very very nice . Is there a place were we can buy your mattress in Montréal.

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